Our Legal Services
Here at Clearwater Solicitors our staff have gained considerable experience and expertise over the years and as a direct result we have an excellent relationship with our clients. Our client’s trust us as we provide an excellent service. We are available and we are able to answer their questions in plain English.
We provide a wide range of legal services which encompass almost all types of legal issues. We are experts in all kinds of personal injury e.g. simple RTA claims involving whiplash, accidents at work, slips and trips and complex medical negligence cases.
In addition, we are able to advise on matters relating to criminal law including representation at police station and employment law. We are hoping to add a Family Law department in the near future (watch this space for more information).
Clearwater Solicitors are available to assist you if you have been arrested or require representation at a police station. We always recommend you seek professional representation before making any statements to the police as it can harm your case if you fail to do so. At the police station you have three options:-
1. Provide no comment to each and every question
2. Provide a prepared statement and then answer no further comments
3. Answer all questions.
It is often very difficult for an individual without legal representation to know which option they should take. If you have been arrested or are being questioned by the police we strongly recommend you to contact us. We will guide you, protect your rights and interests, make bail applications and ensure you are released as soon as possible.
The Clearwater Solicitors team has professional legal advisers and solicitors with immense knowledge of employment law and other employment. We can guide you in relation to your rights and eligibility to attain compensation and in some circumstances reinstatement. Our Employment Law advisers can resolve number of work related cases including; redundancy issues, workplace harassment, non-payment of wages, unfair dismissal and forced resignations, disputes related to working hours, sickness, discrimination experienced by disabled employees, contract breach and compromise agreements. We provide transparent and honest advice including the merits of proceeding with your case. We have secured Lexcel Accreditation by providing customer-focused and efficient service to our clients.
Clearwater Solicitor also provides skilled team having vast knowledge and expertise related to Criminal Law. Our legal representation can assist you in any case where you have been charged for a crime. You may find that you are in need of a solicitor if:-
1. you are arrested,
2. you have a court date,
3. you are appealing against your sentence,
4. you are changing solicitor or
5. you are going to be interviewed by the police
It is our priority to ensure you receive justice.
If you require any assistance please call one of our experts on 08000 430 430.